Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Natural Looking Lip Enhancement with Dr. Sharma

If you’re considering enhancing your lips, then we encourage you to review Dr. Sharma’s Lip Enhancement Resource below.
Lip enhancement is a type of cosmetic surgery or non-surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the lips by increasing their fullness through enlargement. Lips may be considered the most youthful aspect of a face, especially when complemented by high cheeks.

Now, you can enjoy plump lips with dermal fillers such as Restalyane, Perlane or Juvederm. The benefit to you is that you can immediately return to your normal activities. Restylane is a non-animal, clear gel that is reported to be very close to the hyaluronic acid found naturally in the body. The substance usually lasts four months in lips. While Juvederm is chemically similar to Restylane; many facial surgeons report that Juvederm is slightly smoother to inject. Dr. Sharma carries all three products in his Coral Gables clinic.

There are many options that now exist for improving the appearance of your lips, however, there is no doubt that successful lip augmentation is highly dependent on the skill of your facial plastic surgeon. Their skill should stem from many years of experience injecting the lips of many types of patients. Dr. Sharma has mastered the various injection techniques.

Dr. Sharma’s Procedure and Techniques

- Anesthesia: Local
- Location: Clinic
- Treatment time: 30 minutes
- Patient Status: Outpatient

Initial consultation

During your initial visit, Dr. Sharma will likely ask you to describe, in detail, what you would like to improve. We ask that you be specific about what you would like done. Bring photos that show what you like and don't like. Once Dr. Sharma fully understands your expectations, he’ll be able to consult with you to determine how your goals can be achieved.

Tell Dr. Sharma:

·   If you have any allergies

·   If you have a history of bad scarring

·   About any medications you are currently taking or recently stopped taking

You are at increased risk for complications if you have diabetes, poor circulation, heart, lung or liver disease, smoke, have a family history of blood clots, etc. You'll want to discuss your medical history thoroughly with Dr. Sharma.


Pain Level: Mild discomfort.
Swelling or Bruising: Three (3) days to one (1) week
Exercise: Wait 2-3 days

To improve recovery:

·   keep ice packs applied to your lips for the first 24 to 48 hours

·   talking and chewing should be limited during the first 24 to 48 hours

·   limit smiling and laughing for the first few days

·   attempt to sleep in a semi-upright position during the first week

·   reduce the amount of bending over, straining, exercising or do any other activities that could increase pressure to your lips

·   avoid strenuous activities for 1-3 days

·   keep the lips clean to avoid infection

Risks and Complications

Major complications from lip augmentation are rare. With any surgical procedure, there is always a possibility of bleeding, infection, reaction to the anesthesia, slow healing or an unexpected result. Other possible complications include asymmetrical lips, cold sores, numbing, scarring, swelling, and permanent stiffness in the lip. Implant material can move to a new location within the lips and it may also protrude unnaturally. Allergic reactions such as itching, redness, and swelling may occur.

Here’s how Dr. Sharma does it:

Temporary Lip Injectables

Most lip plumping products are temporary. The ones that he uses the most commonly are Restylane, Perlane and Juvederm. Dermal fillers generally last around four (4) months in the lips, but can last a year or longer in other facial cosmetic areas. They are safe, generally don’t cause lumps or bumps, they’re very smooth to inject, and they look great.

Permanent Lip Injectables

Dr. Sharma regularly performs Permanent lip augmentation options. These include lip implants and other techniques. Please visit with Dr. Sharma personally to learn about these exciting and safe permanent options.

There are products that last longer than temporary lip injectables. Silicone, which lasts quite a long time, can be injected into the lips. However, permanent products that are injected tend to cause more problems in the long run because your body creates a little scar tissue around it, and it can create a little bump or a little lump. It can be visible and it can be painful. It should also be considered that once you insert something permanent into your lips, it can only be removed surgically.

We encourage you to contact our offices at (305) 456-5727 to obtain more information about your lip augmentation options.

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