Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why should you trust your face to a Facial Plastic Surgeon?

In today’s world more and more people, both women and men, are seeking ways to maintain a youthful appearance. With so many different procedures available to enhance your cosmetic appearance, the cost of all these procedures can definitely add up. So what does the average person do? They look for affordable rates for procedures through places like GROUPON or they search for the cheapest alternative.

What are your risks by always looking for the cheapest alternative? Often times, quality care is what’s sacrificed in those bargains. This is not to say that there aren’t several reputable clinics and doctors who engage in offering the most competitive price, however, to offer such low prices, something is almost always sacrificed.

The purpose of this blog is to attempt to build value in the person you entrust your face to – the most prominent area on your body by which other people recognize you.

Let’s use dermal fillers for example, and we’ll assume that you’re interested in getting some Restylane. If you subscribe to GROUPON, you’ll see some offers like the one below offering a fifty percent discount. You’ll notice in this particular example, the offer sold out. 

We kept this offer anonymous because the purpose is to show how cost is the driving factor in people’s selection process of where they go to get their treatments. Perhaps the establishment offering this discount is reputable, that’s not the purpose of this blog, the purpose is to attempt to persuade you if you’re thinking of getting treatments – or any procedures done to your face – to entrust your face to Facial Plastic Surgeon.

To illustrate the value of going to facial plastic surgeon, let me draw the analogy of getting your hair cut. Your choices are to go to a place like Supercuts or to a salon where the stylists have some experience cutting and coloring hair. Obviously, the pricing will be different because the attention you receive is different.

The justification can only be trying to save some money. Ok, perhaps trying to save some money on your hair is understandable because it will grow back; however, trying to save some money on procedures involving the injection of a substance into your face is not something that should be considered solely on price.

Going to a proper facial plastic surgeon will probably cost you more money because we understand the value we offer since we are specialists when it comes to your face. We spend years in specialized training learning about facial beauty and facial anatomy as well as how to deliver the best results to each individual. The alternative is to go to a clinic that is allowed to perform procedures simply because they have the minimum requirement to do so. But more important, we spend time with you to make sure the results look natural and will give you that well-rested youthful appearance.

The flip-side can be devastating because obviously the results will show on your face. If you’re considering having a facial enhancement procedure, I suggest that you find a doctor that you’re comfortable with. Find one that will spend time getting to know you and what your cosmetic goals are. If price is an issue, often times, doctors offer financing terms and some are even willing to negotiate if you’re reasonable. 

As a Facial Plastic Surgeon who has performed many revision surgeries and has seen some devastating results to people who went to unreliable doctors, the best advice I can give you is to save money on other things. Set yourself a goal to save money to visit a specialist when it comes to your face.

If you’re interested in a no charge consultation with Dr.Sharma, please contact his offices at (305) 456-5727 to schedule your appointment. 

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