Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is Facial Enhancement using Fat Transfer?

Fat Transfer or fat grafting usually involves harvesting fat from one part of the body, purifying it and then carefully re-injecting it into the area needing attention. Fat injected into areas that require volume enhancement produce safe, long-lasting, and natural appearing results. There is no other field of medicine which demonstrates the degree of innovation that is seen in plastic surgery. The concepts and techniques used are dynamic and constantly seek to improve efficiency, comfort and safety in the interest of the patient.

One of the most significant trends today is the replacement and enhancement of facial volume. It has been shown that a reduction in fullness of the cheek area gives people that “aging” look. This hollow look usually worsens with age but can be present in younger people if they are genetically predisposed.

Hollow cheeks make people look:
1. Older
2. Sad
3. Tired

Restoring this lost volume will make a significant difference by creating a younger, fresh look. The overstretched look which can result from the common facelift may have fewer wrinkles, but does that person really look younger?

Who is a candidate?

Patients that are generally considered a good candidate for fat injection are in good health. If you have any history of abnormal bleeding, or swelling following a procedure then you should mention this during your consultation. If you’re a smoker, then this is something you should definitely disclose as well.

Patients interested in fat transfer do require a thorough consultation. A full history and physical exam will be required before your procedure. Pictures are taken before the procedure and an informed consent form must be obtained. Either local or general anesthesia may be used as every case is specific to the patients’ needs.

Some common side effects of fat transfer:

1. Swelling is the most common side effect and should settle down within several weeks
2. Bruising
3. Numbness
4. Slight asymmetry which should improve as swelling improves
5. Infection
6. Loss of volume

An alternative approach involves a procedure called fat transfer. In this technique, I take excess body fat from the abdomen or inner thigh using liposuction instruments. The fat is then prepared and concentrated under sterile conditions and carefully injected back into the areas of volume deficiency. The result is a permanent enhancement of that area without the risk of allergic reactions or possible complications with implant materials. Not only has fat transfer proven to be an excellent technique for enhancing the cheek area, but it’s also successful in improving jaw line definition (delaying the need for a facelift), improving the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids, and even enhancing temporal deficiencies (the sides of the forehead).

There is some evidence that fat transfer may help with overall skin quality, possibly due to the stem cells within the transferred fat. The discussion of the benefits of stem cells in controversial and I suggest you discuss these issues with your provider – preferably a Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon like me.

In the image above, I injected fat from the patient’s abdomen to her cheek areas. This patient also had excess skin removed from above and below her eyes (upper and lower blepharoplasty). Notice that two weeks after her surgery, her cheeks are visibly enhanced. Some swelling remains, however, it should subside within another week or two and she will begin to see the final results of her cheek enhancement.

It is a safe, conservative technique which if properly planned and performed gives a long-lasting result indistinguishable from your natural facial contours. To watch me perform fat transfer, please click this link to my YouTube Channel.

To contact my offices please call (305) 456-5727 and I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about facial volume enhancement.

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